Happy Fronleichnam!
>> Thursday, June 23, 2011
Today is both a national and religious holiday here in Germany, and in some other European countries as they celebrate Fronleichnam or Corpus Christi. Here in Germany, it is celebrated on the Thursday after the Trinity Sunday and in some places, on the following Sunday. Corpus Christi or officially known in the Catholic Church as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ does not commemorate an event in the life of Jesus Christ but celebrates the Body of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. I guess that is the essence of this celebration.
Text translation: "Jesus, strengthen our faith."
While it is of religious origin, Germany still celebrates it to this day although I doubt that many understand the meaning of the celebration nor do they know the reason behind this day being a "holiday". One can see though the Catholic and Anglican churches having different religious activities to celebrate this day. And in some "Dorfs" or small villages especially here in Baden-Wuerttemberg, this religious tradition is still very much celebrated in a colorful procession or parade. They even have very colorful flower carpets with different religious images and messages.
Photos: Freiburg-Schwarzwald.de